
Round table
Regional and local communities as a subject of strategic development of territories


Proposals to introduce the concept of “regional and local communities” into the legislation are aimed at characterizing the spatial and territorial unity of a certain part of the population, taking into account the essential criteria for its isolation, singling it out as an independent subject. It is necessary to determine not only the legal status of regional and local communities, but also the principles of their organization and activities, the procedure and mechanisms for their interaction with state authorities and local governments. Regional and local communities are not only subjects, but also a source of public power, shaping and ensuring the development of both the institutions of a solidary civil society, united in public territorial collectives, and the strategic development of territories.

The topic of creating legal mechanisms for the effective use of the potential of regional and local communities for the implementation of issues of ensuring the livelihoods of the population is extremely in demand for state authorities and local self-government bodies. During the event, it is planned to discuss the state and problems that exist in the formation and functioning of regional and local communities, possible ways to solve them, as well as directions and measures, including legislative ones, taken to address these issues.

Organizers: State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government, FES on local and public self-government and local communities under OAPOS, Department of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences for federal structure, local self-government and local communities, Organizing Committee of the Federal People’s Council

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Didenko Aleksej, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government

Regional and local communities as a subject of strategic development of territories

Vahrukov Dmitrij, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Deputy Minister

Participation of local communities in the development of territories

Panin Gennadij, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Deputy of the State Duma, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government

Forms of direct participation of local communities in the activities of local government

Novichkov Nikolay, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Deputy

Razvorotneva Svetlana, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Deputy Chairman of the State Duma for Construction, Housing and Communal Services

Issues of improving the legislative regulation of interaction between local communities, government and business in order to minimize conflicts of interest in the territories

Ignateva Aleksandra, Union of Russian Cities. General Director

Development of local communities in big cities

Larichev Alexander, National Research University - Higher School of Economics. Vice Dean for Research, Faculty of Law, HSE

Problems of legal institutionalization of local communities

Tyurin Gleb, Community development fund "Initiative". President of the fund "Initiative"

Local communities, local economy, elites and domestic market

Andreechev Igor, Administration of the Governor of the Arkhangelsk region and the Government of the Arkhangelsk region. Deputy Head of Administration - Director of the Legal Department of the Administration of the Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region and the Government of the Arkhangelsk Region

The role of local communities as subjects of public control: legal regulation

Zhestjannikov Sergej, Representative Assembly of the Vologda Municipal District of the Vologda Region. Mayor of the Vologda Municipal District of the Vologda Region

Priorities of modern municipal strategy: the local community as development driver

Menschikov Aleksej, institute of State and Municipal Administration under the Government of the Krasnoyarsk territory. director

Local Communities and Territory Development: Practices in the Krasnoyarsk Territory


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Didenko Aleksej State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government

State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Department of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences for federal structure, local self-government and local communities

FES on local and public self-government and local communities under OAPOS

State Duma Committee on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government

Organizing Committee of the Federal People’s Council

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