
Round Table
Challenges of Russia’s New Industrial and Technological Policy


Today, Russia needs to formulate and implement a new industrial and technological policy aimed at ensuring the implementation of national interests, taking into account the existing long-term challenges. The industrial and technological policy should be based on building value-added production chains with results - highly competitive products that are in demand on the domestic market and have a high export potential.
The regions have long been concerned at the strategic level with such work, making their own industrial policy a priority. Already today, the Social and Economic Development Strategies are be-ing implemented, within the framework of which industrial and technological initiatives have been worked out.
Issues for discussion:
– Key global strategic challenges of the scientific and technological revolution in Russia.
– Priorities for the development of industrial and technological policy in Russia.
- Ways of avoiding import dependence in the conditions of the economic blockade of the country.
– New industrial and technological policy or import substitution policy.

Organizers: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Leontief Centre – AV Group Consortium

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Kornilov Aleksej, Otkritie Investicii. Chief Analyst for International Markets

Solovejchik Kirill, Committee on Industrial Policy, Innovation and Trade of St. Petersburg. Chairman of the Committee on Industrial Policy, Innovation and Trade of St. Petersburg

Burkova Daria, VEB.RF. Executive Director

Morozov Sergej, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Deputy of the State Duma, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Regional Policy and Local Self-Government

Majorov Sergej, Industrial cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan. Chairman o the board

On the development of industrial policy in the industry of Russia. New approaches

Dozhdikov Kirill, Department of Economic Development of the Lipetsk region. Head of the Economic Development Department

Filonenko Igor, ООО ЭФ-ИНТЕРНЭШНЛ. director of development

Tolmachev Dmitrij, Graduate School of Economics and Management of UrFU. Director


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Krylovskiy Alexey Leontief Centre - AV Group Consortium. Managing director

Leontief Centre – AV Group Consortium

Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

XX All-Russia Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders ©