
Panel discussion
Tourism as a driver of economic development


Being the largest job multiplier, tourism should become one of the drivers of diversification and change in the structure of the economy, with an emphasis on non-commodity sectors of the economy and non-commodity exports. Under the sanctions, a new reality is opening up for the development of domestic tourism, which plays a decisive role in the restoration of the Russian economy.

Organizers: ScanTour Tour Operator, ICSER Leontief Centre, International partnership initiative Green Mobility

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Golubeva Olga, Committee for Tourism of the Leningrad Region. Committee for Tourism of the Leningrad Region

Kudriakov Anton, Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways". Leading Expert of the Department of Passenger Transportation

Grudinin Mihail, Autonomous non-profit organization "Development Center of the Republic of Altai". Head of ANO "Development Center of the Republic of Altai"

X-TEAM. Discovering Russia

Morozova Yuliia, Government of the Kamchatskiy krai. Deputy Chairman of the Government

Bakum Oleg, Russian Geographical Society, Leningrad Region Department. CEO "Kolmas Karelia" Ltd.

Mountain park "Ruskeala". 17 years of sustainable territory development

Belyakova Natalia, Russian Geographic Society. head of expeditions&tourism department

Trushina Anastasija, Limited liability company "ScanTour". acting general director

Tour operator - driver of territory development

Kobyz Kristina, Pskov city Administration. Head of the Committee of Cross-border Cooperation and Tourism Pskov City Administration

Beloborodova Julia, Pskov Region Investment Development Fund. Deputy CEO

Yushko Anton, Russian Geographical Society, Leningrad Region Department. Chairman of Committee Eco-Efficiently Tourism

Iljaeva Julija, Leontief Centre - AV Group Consortium. Head of the direction "Social Development"


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Iakimenko Olga ICSER Leontief Centre. Head of Sustainable Development Projects and Internet Technologies, Green Mobility Partnership Initiative Coordinator
Zhanaidarov Kirill Skolkovo Foundation. Head of the Transport Department of the Skolkovo Foundation

ScanTour Tour Operator

ICSER Leontief Centre

Green Mobility International Partnership Initiative

XX All-Russia Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders ©