
Round Table
Eastern turn in spatial development


The main priority in the economic and spatial development of Russia is the Asia-Pacific region. The development of Siberia and the Far East is becoming part of the national policy of large-scale integration into the system of trade and economic relations in Asia. These regions should become drivers of development, platforms for the implementation of transport and logistics, industrial, high-tech projects, projects in the service sector, sources of unlocking the potential of other territories and their own.
Main questions:
– What is the essence and content of the “pivot to the East” process? What is the role of Siberia and the Far East in it? Can the Far East become the basis for the integration of the Russian economy in the Asia-Pacific region? Can the resource potential of the Far East become an effective basis for integration into the Asia-Pacific region? What are the deterrents to integration in the face of sanctions pressure and what are the new opportunities from strengthening ties with the Asia-Pacific countries?
– What are the main problems hindering the development of the Far East as a “window to the Asia-Pacific region? What risks does the Far East face when integrating into the Asia-Pacific region? What should be included in the development strategy of the macroregion and what mechanisms are capable of bringing the Far Eastern Federal District onto a sustainable path of accelerated development?
– What projects in Siberia and the Far East are the most significant for the development of the economy?
- Is the outflow of residents of the Far East an obstacle to economic integration into the Asia-Pacific region? What is the optimal population size, the structure of labor resources, taking into account foreign labor? Is it possible to quickly solve the problem of personnel shortages?
- What are the strategies of the Asia-Pacific countries in relation to Siberia, the Far East, the Russian Federation? What priority measures should be taken to attract technology companies?

Organizers: Federal Autonomous Scientific Institution “Eastern Center of State Planning”, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

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Belousov Dmitry, Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-term Forecasting. Deputy General Director, Head of Analysis and Forecasting of Macroeconomic Processes

Danilova Maya, Ministry of economy Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Ministry of economy of Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Guseynov Gadzhimagomed, Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic. First Deputy Minister

Gros Denis, MC “DA!Development” LLC. Managing Partner

Degtyarev Dmitry, Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation. Director of Spatial Planning Department

Gorovaya Tatyana, The Center for Strategic Research. First Vice-President

Spirin Pavel, Limited liability company "Scientific Research Institute of Perspective Urban Development" (LLC "NII PG"). Director

Kalabikhina Irina, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Head of the Department of Population

Novichkov Nikolay, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Deputy

Grudinin Mihail, Autonomous non-profit organization "Development Center of the Republic of Altai". Head of ANO "Development Center of the Republic of Altai"

The Eastern vector of the country’s development is a key priority for Russia

Untilova Irina, Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Territory. Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kamchatka Territory


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Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation

Federal Autonomous Scientific Institution “Eastern Center of State Planning”

XX All-Russia Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders ©