
Panel Discussion
Water tourism in regional strategies: tasks and prospects


For many regions of Russia, water tourism can be of such great importance that it should find a worthy place in the regional strategy of socio-economic development.
The strategy for the development of tourism in the Russian Federation until 2035 in terms of the development of cruise tourism sets the task of doubling the market capacity and creating conditions for intensive fleet renewal.
This requires the presence of federal and regional operators, a developed environmental management system; highly qualified personnel, infrastructure, the latest technological developments, as well as a sustainable socio-economic state of the region as a whole.

Organizers: St. Petersburg Convention Bureau, St. Petersburg Committee for Tourism Development

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Korneev Sergey, Committee for Tourism Development. Chairman

Krivonosov Sergey, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Deputy

Ivanov Sergey, Тhe State Committee for Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan. Chairman of the State Committee for Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan

Interregional cooperation and development of tourism within the framework of the "Great Volga Route"

Gladkov Daniil, FSI “Volgo-Balt “Authority”. Acting 1st Deputy Head – Captain of the Volga-Baltic BIW

FBU "Administration of Volgo-Balt": realities and prospects

Rodionov Vladimir, Association «St. Petersburg Owners Association of passenger vessels». president Аssociation

Development of urban water infrastructure: need and potential

Nabatov Yury, Neva Travel LLC. CEO

Construction of new high-speed and excursion catamarans for tourist lines

Kuznetsov Andrey, Astra Marin company Limited. General Director

Problems and prospects for the development of water tourism in St. Petersburg

Gubernatorov Sergey, SSG Navigation LLC. Director General

Efficiency reserves of navigation on inland waterways of Russia


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Gerasimov Roman Journalist, broadcaster. Journalist, broadcaster

St. Petersburg Committee for Tourism Development

St. Petersburg Convention Bureau

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