The panel discussion is a continuation of the line in which the participants discuss the industrial and technological policy of Russia. This discussion is devoted to the issues of personnel policy and the role of higher education institutions. Rapid technological, socio-economic changes in society require an adequate development of the higher education system: ensuring the highest possible rates of updating the content of educational programs, developing new forms of partnership between universities and employers and scientific organizations, and project-based learning technologies in the social and engineering fields.
At the same time, universities are increasingly performing the functions of a non-financial development institution, contributing to the formation and development of technology companies and socially oriented NGOs, as well as implementing the role of a “think tank” providing analytical and consulting support in solving the problems of socio-economic development of regions and municipalities. directly participating in the formation and implementation of intersectoral public and public initiatives. Thus, universities complement their functions, realizing the "third mission" of the university.
Issues for discussion:
– What characteristics should a new model of higher education have, what is the role of employers, federal and regional authorities in its implementation?
– How to fully use the potential of universities in the strategies for the development of territories?
– What are the possible strategies for the development of the university in the framework of the implementation of the third mission?
– What are the best practices for implementing the third mission of universities in Russia and in the world?
– What opportunities are opened up by the partnership of universities with social enterprises and SO NGOs?
– What is the role of scientific and educational centers and advanced engineering schools in the implementation of the industrial and technological policy of Russia?
– What are the possibilities of universities in the formation and development of territorial clusters in the field of industry and technology?
Organizers: Institute for Social and Economic Design, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Any registered Forum participant can leave proposals for inclusion in draft Forum recommendations (upper right button Proposal).
Burov Vasiliy, Information Culture. Cofounder Information Culture
Simachev Yury, Information Culture. Director for Economic Policy HSE University
Kulpin Sergey, Ural Federal University. Deputy Director in Project Activity GSEM UrFU
Stakeholders: government, public sector and NGOs. Organizational model of interaction
Ananich Marina, Government of the Novosibirsk region. assistant of the Governor
Isaeva Elena, P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University. Director of the University’s Third Mission Development Center
Gordeev Alexandr, RSPP. expert
Kasaeva Tatiana, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Pyatigorsk State University». Director of the Institute of Training of Highly Qualified Personnel
Cherneyko Dmitry, Saint-Petersburg Committee for Labour and Employment. Chairman
If you want to leave proposals for inclusion in draft recommendations, fill in the fields below.
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